Nutrition for The Open!
Nutrition Kala Swanston Nutrition Kala Swanston

Nutrition for The Open!

A very common question we get this time of year is “How do I prepare for CrossFit Open Workouts when it comes to nutrition?”

As you prepare for The Open try to focus on eating high-quality, unprocessed foods consistently.

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Different Types of Protein Powders Explained
Nutrition Kala Swanston Nutrition Kala Swanston

Different Types of Protein Powders Explained

Eating enough protein can be difficult at times though, like post workout, if you are short on time, or if your nutritional needs are higher because you are an athlete (it’s hard to eat enough sometimes!) - this is where protein powder comes in handy.

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Friday Night Lights at CrossFit 701
Community Community

Friday Night Lights at CrossFit 701

For us at CrossFit 701, The Open is a celebration of community, friends, fitness, and fun! (Although we will have a few badass athletes advance to the QuarterFinals. Whoop whoop!)

It's an opportunity for athletes to showcase their hard work. It's a time to come together as a community and cheer each other on, give out some high fives, and support our fellow athletes. It's a platform that allows our athletes to achieve the impossible and start to understand what they are truly capable of.

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