15 Questions with Coach Matt
Oh Matt Bailey… where do we even begin? Matt has been around CF701 from pretty much the beginning. His upbeat attitude, goofy personality, and genuine kindness are well known around 701, as well as the Fargo CrossFit community as a whole.
Coach Matt is a CF-L1 with a passion for CrossFit and a love for people. He is one of the hardest workers I know, and he never does anything half hearted.
Here is a short interview with Coach Matt!
How long have you been doing Crossfit?
Since 2011 so 12 years?
Why do you coach?
Seeing the progress people make over time and seeing how much stronger they are and more confident in everyday life.
Favorite way to eat your eggs.
Describe your coaching style.
Encouraging, enthusiastic and personable. I like to get to know people and their story/background.
What athletic achievement are you most proud of?
Consistency of making it every year in the top 10% in the open since 2015.
What non athletic achievement are you most proud of?
Being a dad
Favorite non-Crossfit activities?
Watching Minnesota sports and hiking with the family.
If you were to describe yourself as an animal, what would you be?
Definitely Golden Retriever!
If you were stranded on an island, what three things would you want to have?
My wife Sydney, water filter to filter out salt water, and ummm
What is a pet peeve of yours?
Negativity and slow drivers in the left lane
What beverage are you drinking right now?
FNX Refuel Peanut Butter Cup protein!
What's the best piece of advice you've ever been given?
Whatever you do, work at it as if you were working for God. Galatians 6:14
If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would you like to see play the lead role as you?
Gerard Butler
What's your favorite class/course that you have taken?
The Crossfit Level 1 was so fun to be around other people passionate of fitness and learning all the methodology of Crossfit was pretty sweet.
What piece of advice would you give to a new athlete?
Leave your ego at the door!…….be coachable, ask questions and do your best every day.